As many of you know who were around last year, once Operation WANA kicks off, this blog goes crazy for the rest of the month. So before that happens, I wanted to update you on life in the MODG house.
I remember posting a lot about how hard it was when G was born. Someone commented something like, “what are you complaining about…you only have one kid” and I was all YOU DON’T KNOW ME YOU DON’T KNOW. Dudes, she was right. What the F was I complaining about? 2 kids is like way more than double hard. I however happen to have kids that you can’t put down without the cryren (cry siren) alerting the town.
I’m going to confess something. I still haven’t had a whole day alone with both kids. 40% of that is because of the c-section recovery. 60% is because I’m scared out of my mind. Ruby nurses 22 and a half hours a day. G does not do well at things like “sitting nicely” and “waiting”. And honestly, B is afraid to leave me too.
G just had his 2nd birthday. He got a shovel, balloons and an attitude. He isn’t playing. JUST in time for new baby. All I see is him running into traffic, laughing into the wind and giving me the finger. Ok he’s not that bad. But I really don’t know how people do it with a newborn and a 2 year old.
And then it happened. My biggest fear. Ruby farted. She didn’t just fart, she farted all day all week all NIGHT. And not just baby farts, big man painful farts. Just like her brother did. And I was instantly taken back to the hell on earth that was my breastfeeding experience with G. I remembered how hard it was to figure out what was causing it. Was it his latch? My diet? Tongue tie? Overproduction? Just him being a fart pants? And babies are annoying because they can’t tell you what’s going on. No matter how many times you ask.
If you remember I ended up cutting out dairy, soy and wheat for almost 6 months. It was total hell. Seriously. And here I am again. I realized that I was dehydrated and needed way more water than I was taking in, which helped. But not this time. So dairy is gone. And I want to cry. Not for my missing cheese, but for this path that I could have to go down again.
But I will tell you this. And many of you die hards will curse me out for this. I will not do it again. I can’t. If we get even close to the place we were again, Ruby will be getting an allergy specific formula. You know how hard core I am about breastfeeding so I hope you understand how FOR REAL this situation would have to be to go down that path. But I look back and realized that I was not taking care of myself at all during that time. And I’ve learned that to be a good mom, I have to take care of myself.
We’re not there yet and hopefully we won’t get there. But my birth experience taught me a lot. You don’t know how someone got to the place they are. You don’t know why that woman has a scheduled c-section. Maybe she was up all night crying about it. Maybe she wasn’t. Why is that woman feeding her baby formula? Maybe her baby was a premie and her milk didn’t come in yet. Maybe her milk never came in. Maybe she is deep in PPD. So I’m going to do the best I can to not judge and not worry about others judging me. I need to do what’s best for us.
So pray to Britney for us that things get a little bit better and this all works out.
In the mean time leave me comments with great dairy free tricks and magic and also magic to make babies stop farting.
The winner of the 6 months free to Turning Art is
I like this one – Bamboo Bar Code Turning Art is a great idea, I’d love to try that out. I need art for my bedroom… We’re not exchanging gifts this year, just too many other expenses plus the kids gifts, so we’ll skip it this year. We’ll just enjoy each other…awww..ha.
email me Melissa at modgblog at gmail dot com
And this life update was brought to you by a super cute baby store, Green Pea Baby and Child, focused on unique toys and gifts with a healthy organic flare. Just my thing. I browsed this store for like an hour. I want everything. I especially love these hand knit dolls. Bonus, with the code HSP2012, you get 15% off of toys and ornaments with free shipping. Check them out for goodness and stuff.